Evan Peters Hotels are really scary. There are a lot of haunted ones in L.A. that I want to check out. So many people come in and out, and a lot of them can be dark. That dark gets locked in the hotel and stays there. – Evan Peters Check Quotes Dark Quotes Haunted Quotes Hotel Quotes Hotels Quotes Locked Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Scary Quotes Stays Quotes I was a big fan of Shia LaBeouf and ‘Even Stevens’ and was like, ‘Oh, man. I would love to be on Disney Channel and have a show,’ because it was what I watched. Sometimes, actors in films will play the ending of the movie, or even the middle, and you know where it’s going – as an audience member, you can read the actor.
Chris Thile It seems like if they’d given Bob Dylan a pen and paper in the cradle that he would’ve come up with a great song. I’d love to write songs like that. – Chris Thile
Rupert Murdoch Journalists should think of themselves as outside the Establishment, and owners can’t be too worried about what they’re told at their country clubs. – Rupert Murdoch
Joan Cusack I think America has a bad rap right now… and hopefully Obama will change that. – Joan Cusack
Andrew Marr In the end, does it really matter if newspapers physically disappear? Probably not: the world is always changing. But does it matter if organisations independent enough and rich enough to employ journalists to do their job disappear? Yes, that matters hugely; it affects the whole of life and society. – Andrew Marr
Raj Thackeray There should be restriction on migration. Some people may criticize me for that. But the future generations will see the merit in my argument. – Raj Thackeray
FreedomGaspar NoeMoneyMovies I did this very cheap movie called ‘Love,’ and then I decided I wanted to make an even cheaper movie so people don’t get involved and can’t tell you how to rewrite it or how to avoid losing money. The good thing about doing these quite cheap movies is that you have much more freedom. – Gaspar Noe
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