Georg Buchner How many women does one need to sing the scale of love all the way up and down? – Georg Buchner Love Quotes Scale Quotes Sing Quotes Women Quotes Your words smell of corpses. One must love humanity in order to reach out into the unique essence of each individual: no one can be too low or too ugly.
Sheri L Dew Most significantly, the fullness of the priesthood contained in the highest ordinances of the house of the Lord can be received only by a man and woman together. – Sheri L Dew
Frank Vogel Paul George is just a gifted guy that has versatility that no one else in the league has – in terms of playing ones, twos of threes, and really just blanket another team’s top perimeter scorer. – Frank Vogel
Ben Miller Personally, I think people need to get over this ‘being offended’ thing. Being offended does not give you the right to silence people. I get offended by things all the time – it’s just part of life. The right not to be offended is not a human right, especially in a democracy. – Ben Miller
Nickolas Ashford It’s quite different, the kind of love you get in a smaller club and the kind of love you get on a big proscenium stage. It’s quite different. I like both of them, but I’m in love with the smaller, intimate club. – Nickolas Ashford
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