ChanceHavelock Ellis However well organized the foundations of life may be, life must always be full of risks. – Havelock Ellis Chance Quotes Foundations Quotes Life Quotes Organized Quotes Risks Quotes When I first heard Wallace Stevens’ voice, it was by chance: a friend wanted to listen to the recording he had made for the Harvard Vocarium Series. The great thing about suicide is that it’s not one of those things you have to do now or you lose your chance. I mean, you can always do it later.
Roxane Gay Throughout any given season of ‘The Bachelor,’ the women exclaim that the experience is like a fairy tale. They suffer the machinations of reality television, pursuing – along with several other women, often inebriated – the promise of happily ever after. – Roxane Gay
Amish Tripathi I see a sense of unity in the universe. Spirituality is not limited to only one religion. One can experience it across different religions. I am fascinated by philosophy of Advaita and philosophy of unity. We have to get over the illusion that God is different from us. – Amish Tripathi
Patti Davis I think the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s are the hardest. Particularly because the person knows that they are losing awareness. They’re aware that they’re losing awareness, and you see them struggling. – Patti Davis
N T Wright One of the things I find depressing about some of the upper echelons of Anglicanism on both sides of the Atlantic is that it’s sort of taken for granted that we all basically know what’s in the Bible, and so we just glance at a few verses for devotional purposes and then get on to the real business. – N T Wright
John DeLorean I think my ultimate sin – and it was really terrible – was that I had this insatiable pride. – John DeLorean
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