Ivan Illich Huge institutions producing costly services dominate the horizons of our inventiveness. – Ivan Illich Costly Quotes Dominate Quotes Horizons Quotes Huge Quotes Institutions Quotes Inventiveness Quotes Producing Quotes Services Quotes So persuasive is the power of the institutions we have created that they shape not only our preferences but actually our sense of possibilities. The public school has become the established church of secular society.
ParentingWylie Dufresne Being a chef isn’t the ideal career to intersect with parenting, but I try to be in my kids’ lives as much as possible. – Wylie Dufresne
Lee Byung-hun Whenever I open a movie, I go secretly to the theater and stand in the back and enjoy the moment. I laugh when people laugh, and when people cry, I laugh. – Lee Byung-hun
Robert J Sawyer Science fiction has always been a means for political comment. H.G. Wells’ ‘The War of the Worlds’ wasn’t about a Martian invasion – it was a critique of British colonialism, and… ‘The Time Machine’ is really an indictment of the British class system. – Robert J Sawyer
Steve Finley At least in Phoenix, you can get off the main highways and take side streets to where you want to go. In L.A., you can’t. You’re stuck. – Steve Finley
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