Edward Thorndike Human education is concerned with certain changes in the intellects, characters and behavior of men, its problems being roughly included under these four topics: Aims, materials, means and methods. – Edward Thorndike Aims Quotes Behavior Quotes Characters Quotes Concerned Quotes Education Quotes Human Quotes Included Quotes Intellects Quotes Materials Quotes Methods Quotes Roughly Quotes Topics Quotes This growth in the number, speed of formation, permanence, delicacy and complexity of associations possible for an animal reaches its acme in the case of man. Psychology helps to measure the probability that an aim is attainable.
Daniel Radcliffe I don’t know what to do with it. I’m very fortunate to have it, and it gives you room to maneuver. But the main thing about having money is it means you don’t have to worry about it. And that for me is a lovely thing. It’s not for fast cars and hookers. – Daniel Radcliffe
Cristina Saralegui People look at you and see that you’ve made it, but sometimes they forget that it took you years of being a human being. – Cristina Saralegui
Rohit Saraf With every project and admirer I gain for myself, my confidence goes up, and I feel that I am meant for it every single day. – Rohit Saraf
Jerry Lee LewisRomantic Normally, things are viewed in these little segmented boxes. There’s classical, and then there’s jazz; romantic, and then there’s baroque. I find that very dissatisfying. I was trying to find the thread that connects one type of music – one type of musician – to another, and to follow that thread in some kind of natural, evolutionary way. – Jerry Lee Lewis
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