Brian Krzanich Hundreds a year are killed inspecting power lines, inspecting gas lines and cellphone towers. They fall. There are helicopter crashes. We can eliminate all that with autonomous drones and artificial intelligence. – Brian Krzanich Artificial Quotes Autonomous Quotes Cellphone Quotes Crashes Quotes Drones Quotes Eliminate Quotes Fall Quotes Gas Quotes Helicopter Quotes Hundreds Quotes Inspecting Quotes Intelligence Quotes Killed Quotes Lines Quotes Power Quotes Towers Quotes It doesn’t matter what college you go to. Intel has a very complete process that I go through any time I want to sell that ensures I have no insider information.
Claire Scovell LaZebnikFamous Every time you look at a house in Los Angeles, the real-estate agent will tell you that someone famous once lived there. It always seemed irrelevant to me: Does a property gain value just because Alfred Hitchcock used to eat breakfast there? – Claire Scovell LaZebnik
Channing Tatum But I’m not a tough guy or a street fighter for real. I’m just an actor. – Channing Tatum
Joseph D Pistone Unless you are absolutely positive that your wife has no connection to the Mafia, even three or four times removed, do yourself a favor and do not bet her in a poker hand. – Joseph D Pistone
Ajit Pai My view is that the Internet should be run by engineers and entrepreneurs, not lawyers and bureaucrats. – Ajit Pai
Jim Sasser One congressman asked ‘I just want to know if you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior. The minister looked stunned, and he said ‘no.’ The whole table almost fell on the floor. The congressman was quite serious. That was his litmus test. – Jim Sasser
Jon Tester Montanans elected me to the Senate to do away with shady backroom deals and to make government work better. – Jon Tester
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