Billy Sunday Hypocrites in the Church? Yes, and in the lodge and at the home. Don’t hunt through the Church for a hypocrite. Go home and look in the mirror. Hypocrites? Yes. See that you make the number one less. – Billy Sunday Church Quotes Hunt Quotes Hypocrite Quotes Hypocrites Quotes Lodge Quotes Mirror Quotes When is a revival needed? When carelessness and unconcern keep the people asleep. Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.
Cassadee Pope I’ve always kept writing. There’s never been a moment where I went through a spell where I just don’t write. – Cassadee Pope
John Jay Hooker A short exposure to the convention convinced me that the Internet may save the Democracy in that it is a way for the people, for the citizens, to have some direct influence on the government. – John Jay Hooker
Emil Cioran God – a disease we imagine we are cured of because no one dies of it nowadays. – Emil Cioran
CoolJ Cole Rhyme patterns are nothing without meanings to the words. A lot of rappers can do those flows, but the raps aren’t really about anything – which is cool sometimes, but to have the flow and the message is one of my favorite things. – J Cole
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