Jeremy Lin I absolutely would not have liked playing in Spain or somewhere like that, so I was just gonna do it a year. Then I was gonna be done. – Jeremy Lin Absolutely Quotes Gonna Quotes Playing Quotes Spain Quotes New York is fast paced, with enthusiastic fans and lots of media attention. Houston’s slower paced, and there’s more of a southern culture to the city. But both cities have unbelievable food. I’m going to be honest, playing in D-League games is tough.
Frank Dillane My old man, he’s done it very differently from me. He had years of honing his craft and years of doing all that stuff before he even had to worry about ‘Game of Thrones.’ So he’s absolutely established himself as an actor without the fear of having to have a personality as well. – Frank Dillane
Eddie Kingston Detroit is a rough, rough place and that’s how they like their wrestling, so I love Detroit. – Eddie Kingston
Russell Crowe If I don’t get the goose-bump factor when I’m reading it than I can’t do it. – Russell Crowe
Steve Harvey One of the biggest misconceptions that a woman has is that a man has to accept her the way she is. No, we don’t. I don’t know who told you that. We like the bright and shiny. If you stop wearing the makeup, stop putting on nail polish, stop wearing high heels, you’ll lose us. – Steve Harvey
InspirationalPrince Royce When I was working at the Sprint store, I got laid off. I was bummed out, but I stayed positive. I used the money I had earned while working there to make my first album. Without that job, maybe ‘Corazon Sin Cara’ would never had been made. It’s a very inspirational story. – Prince Royce
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