Michael Waltrip I act like I’m always in a good mood when I’m not, but it’s my job. – Michael Waltrip Job Quotes Mood Quotes I’m used to being judged. I know what that feels like. I’ll always wear NAPA blue. I’m thankful they were a part of my life.
Kevin Magnussen I think I’ve benefitted a lot of times from having my dad as a racing driver and I don’t think I would be here if it wasn’t for him because McLaren probably wouldn’t have looked at me. – Kevin Magnussen
AmazingTori Kelly I’m so thrilled to be partnering up with William Rast. I’m such a fan of the brand and being a part of the new campaign has been amazing. – Tori Kelly
Bradley Steven Perry My favorite book is ‘Million-Dollar Throw.’ It’s about football, which is one of the main things I like watching and reading about. – Bradley Steven Perry
Jason Fried If you ask people where they go when they really need to get work done, very few will respond ‘the office.’ If they do say the office, they’ll include a qualifier such as ‘super-early in the morning before anyone gets in,’ or ‘I stay late at night after everyone’s left,’ or ‘I sneak in on the weekend.’ – Jason Fried
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