Harry ShumJr I actually got dared to audition for the dance team. All my track-and-field buddies dared me to audition, and I was one of the few guys who did it. – Harry Shum, Jr Audition Quotes Buddies Quotes Dance Quotes Dared Quotes Guys Quotes Harry Shum Quotes Team Quotes Trackandfield Quotes I wasn’t the guy who got straight As. I got As and Bs and a couple Cs. I was born in Costa Rica and we moved to America where it was a whole new world for me.
Robert Osborne I always felt that Bette Davis was one of the great screen actresses who never really got her due – she won two Oscars, but the last was in 1938, and that was really before all the great work that she did. – Robert Osborne
Pixie Lott I like the big smoky eyes look, and I always do my eyes first when I’m putting on my make-up. – Pixie Lott
DietJoey Chestnut There are times when I’m not eating buns if I’m on a low carb diet. I’ll have hot dogs and romaine lettuce, but if I’m at a baseball game, I’m always eating a hot dog. – Joey Chestnut
Bill Kaulitz We’ve given up the idea that a guitar must always and everywhere be readily available just because we’re a band. – Bill Kaulitz
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