John Corigliano I always conceive a piece as a different set of challenges. – John Corigliano Challenges Quotes Conceive Quotes Piece Quotes Set Quotes I’m glad I won it because when I grew up the Pulitzer was the award that every composer wanted and I was like that too. Art is not only about angst.
Juan Goytisolo I not only lived physically away from my native land, but the values and critical judgments of those closest to me became stranger and stranger. – Juan Goytisolo
Aldous Harding When I was making my first record, I think I felt slightly trapped by my mind and my genre. I think in one way, that archaic language I was using came from a kind of mild obsession with the devil. – Aldous Harding
Ant Anstead I reached this turning point where I was either going to dwell in the darkness or I was just going to slap myself around the face a few times and say, ‘Wake up; you’re incredibly blessed. Focus on all the great things.’ – Ant Anstead
Rihanna I’m turned on by guys who are cultured. That’ll keep me intrigued. They don’t have to have a single degree, but they should speak other languages or know things about other parts of the world or history or certain artists or musicians. I like to be taught. I like to sit on that side of the table. – Rihanna
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