David MacKenzie I always feel like a script is a recipe, and then you bring the elements into the recipe, and you cook with it. – David MacKenzie Bring Quotes Cook Quotes Elements Quotes Feel Quotes Recipe Quotes Script Quotes I spent the first part of my career trying to avoid genre because I felt like genre, in some way, was cliche. Being open to what’s happening in front of you is the most important thing about being a director. To allow the magic to exist and to be light enough on your feet to harness it as it’s happening. That’s what makes cinema interesting.
FreedomMenThomas Paine Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. – Thomas Paine
Chiang Kai-shekWar The final outcome of a war is often determined by the degree of initiative shown on each side. – Chiang Kai-shek
Shigeru Miyamoto Of course, when it comes to Japanese role-playing games, in any role-playing game in Japan you’re supposed to collect a huge number of items, and magic, and you’ve got to actually combine different items together to make something really different. – Shigeru Miyamoto
John Hodgman There’s a tradition in American fiction that is deadly serious and earnest – like the Steinbeckian social novel. – John Hodgman
Fatema Mernissi The waves of religion based on terrorism in the 1990s are based on the tormented response of a mutilated Muslim society whose progressive forces have been savagely emasculated. Why on earth is the Arab world so hostile to women? Why can it not see women as a force for development? – Fatema Mernissi
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