Edwin Moses I always saw hurdles as a form of art, because it’s very individual. One technique that may produce a world record for one guy could be useless for another guy. – Edwin Moses Art Quotes Form Quotes Guy Quotes Hurdles Quotes Individual Quotes Produce Quotes Record Quotes Technique Quotes Useless Quotes I found ways to maintain my performance through working with professionals and doing things that other people weren’t doing. Later in my career, I had a great physical therapist who kept me out on the track. We were doing innovative things like ice baths back in the early ’80s when everyone else thought it was crazy. My career proves that you can be on top for a long period of time by doing things that come naturally.
BestMolierePatienceWisdom A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation. – Moliere
Camille Perri I’ve trained myself to write the first two or three hours I’m awake simply by doing it every day. If life stuff interferes with this sacred time, I get very cranky. – Camille Perri
Mae Whitman My favorite book in life is ‘A Wrinkle In Time,’ which I read before high school. It was my first introduction into the meeting of science and spirit and the universe and big thoughts and all of those interesting New Age-y concepts. It made everything make sense to me and opened up my mind. – Mae Whitman
Andrew BirdImagination My favorite literature to read is fairly dry history. I like the framework, and my imagination can do the rest. – Andrew Bird
Mackenzie Dern I want to be a champion that everybody remembers, one that people like to pay to watch. – Mackenzie Dern
Orianthi My parents went out of their way for me ever since I left school. When I was 15, I said to Mum, ‘I’m leaving school,’ and she was like, ‘Okay.’ I joined a cover band and played three nights a week, and they were really supportive of that. – Orianthi
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