Dianne ReevesExperience I always say that improvisation is the utterance of one’s spirit, and it dictates your life experience, and that’s how you find your concepts and your way for painting your musical picture. – Dianne Reeves Concepts Quotes Dictates Quotes Experience Quotes Improvisation Quotes Life Quotes Musical Quotes Painting Quotes Picture Quotes Spirit Quotes Utterance Quotes I am whatever you want me to be and I can’t control that. My experience is my experience, but I can’t really claim anything. I know when I take my wig off at night and I have to twist my hair up, I’m black. But I don’t get too personal most of the time. Art is a direct reflection of the life you live. What you experience comes out in your work.
Adam Christopher That’s the most amazing thing about writing, whether it’s in prose or comics: that you can create something from nothing, and suddenly they come to life, like they’ve always been there. – Adam Christopher
Matthew Lesko I can’t help thinking if she – the director of a government agency – is this ignorant about what funding is available and where the money comes from – how often lower-level bureaucrats must give wrong answers when people are looking for help to start a business. – Matthew Lesko
John Carroll Lynch Is fame without purpose and is fame without talent really where we are now? People used to be famous for what they did. Now, they’re just famous. – John Carroll Lynch
Michael Cudlitz I much prefer the company of the crew, the sort of ‘blue-collar working person.’ I much more have that sensibility than what the public perceives as what a typical actor would have. – Michael Cudlitz
David Liss I am saying that while popular culture usually portrays practitioners of magic as separate from ordinary people, often biologically different, many people have habits or customs or superstitions that show magic was once a whole lot more democratic. – David Liss
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