Lea Michele I always sing Adele in the shower. But everyone should know you never sing an Adele song in public because no one’s better than Adele. – Lea Michele Adele Quotes Public Quotes Shower Quotes Sing Quotes Song Quotes But my main thing that I would love to see as a fan of ‘Glee,’ like I said, is to really get into the character and who they are and what they do outside of school. I think that that’s interesting. And then of course the themed stuff and the album episodes are all really cool too. I’m Italian and Spanish and Jewish. I’m 100 different things meshed into one. I think that shows girls that uniqueness is beautiful. They can look at me on a magazine cover and see me in a movie and say that they have someone they can relate to.
Sean Duffy Paul Ryan is loved in our state because he’s a conservative who has advocated for conservative policies, and Donald Trump coming out saying favorable things about Mr. Ryan’s opponent doesn’t add to the number of voters in Wisconsin that’ll vote Donald Trump. – Sean Duffy
Lou Doillon There was this really rock n’ roll guy who was very obviously dragged to my concert by his girlfriend. He had tattoos all over, and he was wearing a Metallica T-shirt. He came up to me said it was one of his favorite concerts because I had reached for his heart and dragged it out and put it in front of his face. – Lou Doillon
Malcolm Jenkins I want to be remembered as someone that used football to raise awareness. – Malcolm Jenkins
Stephen F Lynch The one thing that I have been struck with, after coming here to Congress is, how many people in Washington, D.C. talk about job loss like they are talking about the weather, or a natural disaster like an earthquake. – Stephen F Lynch
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