Benee I always take notes on my phone of lyric ideas. – Benee Ideas Quotes Lyric Quotes Notes Quotes Phone Quotes I call everything Steve. Since I was little, I’d go on, like, holiday and call hermit crabs Steve. And I still do. I’ll name a snail Steve. Everything is called Steve in my world. My car is also called Steve. There are songs from dreams that I had. Relationships, I get a lot of inspo from those. I mean, I’ve written a song about a spider. It comes from everywhere.
BjorkNaturePower Solar power, wind power, the way forward is to collaborate with nature – it’s the only way we are going to get to the other end of the 21st century. – Bjork
Hank Williams Jr Listen, I am who I am. I have always been true to who I am and that is why the fans support me. – Hank Williams Jr
Gracie Gold I think if I just do what I do every day, on the extraordinary Olympic stage, I could be a podium contender. – Gracie Gold
PatienceTom Lantos The patience of the American public with dilatory diplomatic delays will be very limited. – Tom Lantos
Jamie Bell I love the old Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly movies; they’re so beautiful to look at. It’s such a shame we don’t make them anymore. Although, I don’t know how you could make tap dancing current and topical. – Jamie Bell
Lucas Cruikshank When you are a really iconic character, everyone thinks that’s all you can do. It’s nice to show people that I’m not a one-trick pony. – Lucas Cruikshank
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