Mark Noble I always wanted to be one of the best players in the world like Zinedine Zidane, so it was great that I ended up playing at West Ham against some of the best players in the world. – Mark Noble Ham Quotes Players Quotes Playing Quotes West Quotes Zidane Quotes Zinedine Quotes I used to do a lot of fishing with my dad, usually in Beckton Boating Lake. Obviously when you grow up in the area you love playing on the street, and to go from playing on the street with my mates to playing at Upton Park is a bit surreal, and 15 years on to still be in the heart of the West Ham midfield is quite good going!
DadEducationEzra Koenig My dad grew up in a working-class Jewish neighbourhood, and I got a scholarship from my dad’s union to go to college. I went there to get an education, not as an extension of privilege. – Ezra Koenig
Bainbridge ColbyTeacher Americanism demands loyalty to the teacher and respect for his lesson. – Bainbridge Colby
Arthur Godfrey If I go to a seminar and someone like you or someone like him is talking, I’m never part of the group that rushes him directly afterward. I always wait in the back corner with my head down until everyone is gone, and then I go up and do my thing. – Arthur Godfrey
Nelly You never know until a song comes out and becomes what it becomes, obviously you can’t predict how the masses will react. – Nelly
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