Flula Borg I am a crazy Maverick fan. I would go there if Dallas was a great entertainment center. – Flula Borg Center Quotes Crazy Quotes Dallas Quotes Entertainment Quotes Fan Quotes Maverick Quotes I think many people are finding things I do very funny and strange. I am a musician who also does love to explore the world in many ways, so my approaching with my songs, videos, and haikus is: ‘Make It Real.’
Shaquille O'Neal I was fortunate enough to see and handle and take in everything I could while I was playing. – Shaquille O’Neal
Christian Horner I was 25 when I stopped racing, I loved the teamwork and I wanted to apply what I knew about it into building and running a team. – Christian Horner
Mandy Patinkin I think it’s fair to say I’m attracted to playing characters who are rather intense. – Mandy Patinkin
David Levithan There’s no such thing as a perfect person, so it makes no sense to write a perfect person. I don’t know any author who’d try. And we write characters, not representations of groups. – David Levithan
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