Manini Mishra I am a psycho therapist and I used to teach street children. – Manini Mishra Children Quotes Psycho Quotes Street Quotes Teach Quotes Therapist Quotes I want to do experimental films. I want to create content for TV and films.
Nikitin Dheer For me, it’s important to continue doing good work and proving myself as an actor. – Nikitin Dheer
Carly Simon I always sang standards because the songs I wrote for myself weren’t as easy to sing. – Carly Simon
Marc Bloch The ABC of our profession is to avoid these large abstract terms in order to try to discover behind them the only concrete realities, which are human beings. – Marc Bloch
Jessica Savitch Texas was defined by its larger-than-life characters, particularly politicians. – Jessica Savitch
Andy WarholBusiness Employees make the best dates. You don’t have to pick them up and they’re always tax-deductible. – Andy Warhol
Naval Ravikant One philosophy I have at AngelList is I would rather have someone working on the wrong thing and do it their way and be motivated, than working on the right thing and do it my way and not be motivated. – Naval Ravikant
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