Roz Savage I am a rolling stone, never in one place for very long. – Roz Savage Rolling Quotes Stone Quotes A lot of people feel trapped by circumstance, by the expectations of others or the perception that they need a lot of money. They would like to have a different direction in their lives, but they’re held back by fear or desires that are incompatible with that freedom. I don’t own designer clothes, or a sports car, or a huge house, but I am seeing the world, experiencing amazing things, and I have become an environmental campaigner.
Fred Ward When you’re a father, you know exactly where your heart really is. There’s no question of it, no doubt. That part of your life has no second guessing. – Fred Ward
Mark PagelTechnology Each of you possesses the most powerful, dangerous and subversive trait that natural selection has ever devised. It’s a piece of neural audio technology for rewiring other people’s minds. I’m talking about your language. – Mark Pagel
Katie Stevens American Idol’ gives people really wonderful opportunities, and they shouldn’t take flak for what people do with that opportunity after they leave the show. A lot of casting rooms I was in, that was the only thing on my resume, and people would just be like, ‘Oh, here’s Katie Stevens. Another ‘American Idol’ girl who thinks she could be an actor.’ – Katie Stevens
Graham Linehan Whenever I write for television, I plan the story on whiteboard wallpaper in my office, using a system created by the American writer Dan Harmon. It’s remarkably simple: a character wants something; they enter a new world and adapt to it; they get what they want, re-enter the old world and change. – Graham Linehan
Charlie Sheen From my big beautiful warlock brain, welcome to ‘Sheen’s Korner’ … You’re either in my corner, or you’re with the trolls. – Charlie Sheen
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