Padmapriya Janakiraman I am comfortable doing glamorous roles and have no qualms going nude if the character demands it. – Padmapriya Janakiraman Character Quotes Comfortable Quotes Demands Quotes Glamorous Quotes Nude Quotes Qualms Quotes Roles Quotes I am not against the idea of looking sexy. But I don’t like women being looked at as mere objects of sex. Tamil has given me an experience that’s extremely rich from Vishnu’s Pattiyal’ to Chimbudevan’s Irrumbakottai,’ to even a small significant role in Ram’s Thangameengal.’
ChancePaul Casey Being based in Scottsdale, Arizona, means I’ve had the chance to play against guys like Gary McCord, Tim Herron and Geoff Ogilvy, and it’s sharpened up my game. – Paul Casey
FamousHarry KnowlesHumor I grew up with Forrest J. Ackerman’s ‘Famous Monsters of Filmland’ along with a plethora of movie tomes and wanted to write about film with a sense of personality, passion, and humor. – Harry Knowles
O J Mayo I make mistakes, but each and every day you want to try to better yourself to be a better person and learn from your mistakes. – O J Mayo
Ritesh Agarwal We are an asset-light transformative platform that converts sub-standard unbranded hotels/unutilized vacation homes into quality living spaces, with easy to book, hassle-free check-in experience. – Ritesh Agarwal
Andrew Wiles There are proofs that date back to the Greeks that are still valid today. – Andrew Wiles
Donovan Mitchell My teammates have had my back with every mistake, with everything I have done well. – Donovan Mitchell
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