Chellie Pingree I am especially proud of taking on issues most central to the health of our American democracy. – Chellie Pingree American Quotes Central Quotes Democracy Quotes Health Quotes Issues Quotes Like many older D.C. organizations, Common Cause has had to come a long way both in its use of the Internet and its understanding of the great value of engaging people in a broader online dialogue. I’m always amazed how many politicians have a very unlikely story, and when I talk to groups of students, I remind them that not everybody who gets into politics is a lawyer or went to school to study it. We all come to it for different reasons.
John Kenneth Galbraith If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old. – John Kenneth Galbraith
Hank AaronHome I’m hoping someday that some kid, black or white, will hit more home runs than myself. Whoever it is, I’d be pulling for him. – Hank Aaron
Rod Wave I think I been chosen to be a 2020 XXL Freshman ’cause, you know, I been rocking with XXL since I started, you know what I’m saying? They respect grind, you know? – Rod Wave
Rachel Stevens I’m so programmed to getting up early that I like to make the most of the day. – Rachel Stevens
Sukarno We are a fighting nation, continually struggling to overcome diseases from within… and to face up to foreign intervention from without. – Sukarno
Ha Ha Clinton-Dix I understand what’s going on in this world. But cops have to go home at the end of the day. They have a family. They have to go home, too. – Ha Ha Clinton-Dix
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