Badshah I am extremely excited to be working with Major Lazer on the Tuborg Open Project, which is an amazing platform for global and cultural amalgamation of music. – Badshah Amalgamation Quotes Amazing Quotes Cultural Quotes Excited Quotes Extremely Quotes Global Quotes Lazer Quotes Major Quotes Music Quotes Platform Quotes Project Quotes Tuborg Quotes I think if you are a talented person, your story makes you a bigger star rather than the art. Rap always has that undertone of rebellion and I just wanted to explore it. I felt there was a rebel within me who was against everything – the education system and teachers, and even my parents.
Adam Sandler Most of the stuff I do on the show comes out of me just trying to make my friends laugh. – Adam Sandler
Mark Frauenfelder My friend Josh Glenn compiles terrific lists of genre novels from the mid-20th century. His latest is a list of the ten best adventure novels of 1966. Josh also includes the cover art of early editions of the books, which are always much better than the art on newer editions. I want to read every book in this list! – Mark Frauenfelder
DesignStella McCartneyWomen My job is to make desirable, luxurious, beautiful clothing and accessories women want to buy. My first decision is always based on, ‘Can I do this in a more sustainable way without sacrificing design?’ If I can, then there is no reason not to. – Stella McCartney
Karin Slaughter Feminism has been so co-opted, but the fact is, feminism benefits men as well. – Karin Slaughter
Chris HarrisJr You’re going to hit some rough patches. You’re going to run into obstacles. People are going to say, ‘You can’t do it.’ But you have to persevere. You have to keep working hard and believing in yourself. – Chris Harris, Jr
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