F Sionil Jose I am for poetry that is admired by peasant and aristocrat alike. – F Sionil Jose Admired Quotes Alike Quotes Aristocrat Quotes Peasant Quotes Poetry Quotes I do not want to be bored listening to music that is muffled and known only to the poet himself. I can’t understand Urdu, Bahasa or Russian, but when the Pakistani Faiz, the Indonesian Rendra and the Russian Rosdentvensky declaim, I can feel the living throb of rhythm and music, the warmth and passion of their poetry, as do the hundreds, not a mere roomful, of poetry lovers in the audience.
Johnny Galecki You get to a certain point – gratefully – when you’re out of your twenties, and you realize how fleeting life is. So, it becomes important to feel as if the people in your life know exactly how you feel about them at all times. – Johnny Galecki
Pele I have to trust something that gives me power; I have to believe in something, but in my career I have a lot of moments I cannot explain with God. – Pele
SadSania Mirza I think people tend to forget that as celebrities we are still human. We have the same emotions – we cry, we have fun, we laugh, we get sad, and we get hurt. When something is written about you, which millions of people are reading, and it is not true, imagine how hurtful it can be. – Sania Mirza
David Garrow Healthcare in the U.S. remains a dire mess, and the Obama presidency, unfortunately, didn’t really address that. – David Garrow
Craig Brown Andrew Lloyd Webber is one of those odd moth-like creatures who seem to combine extreme discomfort with the spotlight with an unstoppable compulsion to leap into it. – Craig Brown
Matthew Heineman I think in ‘Escape Fire,’ we really look at the military as a microcosm for the rest of America. – Matthew Heineman
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