Don Miguel Ruiz I am here and I’m alive. That’s enough. – Don Miguel Ruiz Alive Quotes Life is very, very simple and easy to understand, but we complicate it with the beliefs and ideas that we create. The same way that you are the main character of your story, you are only a secondary character in everybody else’s story.
Sara Evans I’m totally an empath, and I’m so susceptive to being walked on and being taken for granted. – Sara Evans
Jeffrey C Hall What props up biological research, at least in the vaunted U.S. of A., involves a situation so deeply imbued with entitlement mentality that it has sunk into institutional corruption. – Jeffrey C Hall
Charlie Trotter I would always be embarrassed to read out loud in class because I would transpose words and letters and things. – Charlie Trotter
Jason Schwartzman At this point, I think I would garner a lot of hate mail if I was now on the cover of Modern Drummer seeing as I’m not a modern drummer anymore. – Jason Schwartzman
Robin Marantz Henig Kids don’t shuffle along in unison on the road to maturity. They slouch toward adulthood at an uneven, highly individual pace. – Robin Marantz Henig
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