Ashish Sharma I am inspired by the kind of films Raj Kumar Gupta and Imtiaz Ali make. – Ashish Sharma Ali Quotes Films Quotes Gupta Quotes Imtiaz Quotes Inspired Quotes Kumar Quotes Raj Quotes We all have this idea of Ram being a patient person besides being a great archer, a horse-rider, and above all, a compassionate king. There is more to him than that. If you see the roles that I’ve done so far, whether it was Gunahaon ka Devtaa, Chandragupta Maurya, or Rab Se, everything has been starkly different from each other.
Erik VoorheesTechnology I have no problem with the financial industry inviting the Trojan Horse of blockchain technology into their walled garden. Because I know how powerful the technology is. – Erik Voorhees
GovernmentWoodrow Wilson Democracy is not so much a form of government as a set of principles. – Woodrow Wilson
CourageMarilyn Hacker I started to send my work to journals when I was 26, which was just a question of when I got the courage up. They were mostly journals I had been reading for the previous six or seven years. – Marilyn Hacker
ComputersDanger Mouse I’m not really a knob-twiddler. I always work with an engineer; I’m not super hands-on when it comes to mixing boards and computers. I’m much more about what I’m hearing and what it needs to be like. I deal with songs and ideas and instruments. – Danger Mouse
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