Mary Steenburgen I am lucky enough not to have to take jobs unless I love the material. – Mary Steenburgen Jobs Quotes Love Quotes Lucky Quotes Material Quotes There’s something inside of me that just connects or doesn’t connect with the project. I have never had any success in planning my life, really.
Norm Dicks For all of us who have been involved in the recovery efforts to bring back and strengthen wild salmon runs, we fear that this change in policy could lead to further declines in these wild stocks. – Norm Dicks
Ruzwana Bashir I kept being told, ‘If you really want to build a start up, you have to be in San Francisco,’ so I ended up taking out a suitcase. It did occur to me to do it in London but it’s very, very difficult to build a start up in London – so I guess I was being lazy. – Ruzwana Bashir
Alfred AustinGardeningNature The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul. – Alfred Austin
ForgivenessRobert Fripp A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable. – Robert Fripp
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