Alan Zweibel I am not an actor. Yes, every so often I appear on talk shows to promote something I’ve written, and I enjoy doing so because I have a lot of stories to tell, and I like making audiences laugh. But that’s not acting. That’s just me being me. – Alan Zweibel Acting Quotes Actor Quotes Audiences Quotes Enjoy Quotes Laugh Quotes Lot Quotes Promote Quotes Stories Quotes Talk Quotes Written Quotes I’ve been very lucky. I’ve written for most of my idols and the contemporaries. Whether it’s an innate ability or an acquired way of regarding the world around us, being labeled as funny can only be accepted as a compliment.
Clive Thompson If you, or any public-spirited programmer, wanted to figure out what the software on your machine is really doing, tough luck. It’s illegal to reverse engineer the source code of commercial software to find out how it works. – Clive Thompson
Huey NewtonLearning I didn’t get trained by the school system like other kids, and when I did concentrate on learning, my mind was cluttered and locked by the programming of the system. – Huey Newton
Shankar Mahadevan I don’t think you can have a calculated approach towards learning music. – Shankar Mahadevan
Elyn SaksExperience My experience is that when one is in psychosis, you’re on a mission and nothing is going to stop you. At some level your brain is telling you you probably shouldn’t be doing this, but you’re on a mission. – Elyn Saks
Bill Cunningham Legacy? I’m a worker in the factory; all we care about is today! A legacy… what a bunch of baloney. – Bill Cunningham
Jose Garces Some of the best cooks that I’ve cooked with, whether it’s in New York or Chicago or even here in Philadelphia, are actually Ecuadorians. And there’s something about their palates that really just inspires me, and has a really deep sense of flavor. – Jose Garces
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