Jim Webb I am not convinced the Clean Air Act was ever intended to regulate or classify as a dangerous pollutant something as basic and ubiquitous in our atmosphere as carbon dioxide. – Jim Webb Air Quotes Atmosphere Quotes Basic Quotes Carbon Quotes Classify Quotes Clean Quotes Convinced Quotes Dangerous Quotes Dioxide Quotes Intended Quotes Pollutant Quotes Regulate Quotes Ubiquitous Quotes I have strong reasons for being a Democrat. Basically if you want true fairness in society, you want to give a voice in the corridors of power for the people who otherwise would not have it, I believe that will come from the Democratic Party. I’m a combative person, I know I am, and the greatest thing about law school was I learned to fight with my brain. I clarified something to myself. No matter how much you want to live in the white man’s world, you either live by what you believe in, or you die.
Carol S Dweck Males and females can both have a fixed mindset about math and science, but it hurts girls more because they are on the negative end of the stereotype. – Carol S Dweck
Alfred Molina Every job is different. I don’t think that I’ve ever had that wonderful feeling when you’ve finished a job or where you feel like you’ve mastered it or sort of nailed it… You can never be satisfied. If you’re satisfied, it’s time to retire. – Alfred Molina
Pamela Meyer A liar often smiles subtly while telling a lie; it’s an unconscious expression of his delight in getting away with a whopper. – Pamela Meyer
Spencer Matthews Look, on the first day of ‘The Jump’ we shared a ski lift together. We got to the top and Vogue skied off and I said, jokingly at the time: ‘I’m going to marry that girl.’ Turns out, I am. – Spencer Matthews
Goran Dragic I’m an average guy, skinny, not so tall, I put my sunglasses on, and I blend in. – Goran Dragic
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