Reggie Jackson I am not merely a baseball player. I am a black man who has done what he wants, gotten what he wanted, and will continue to get it. – Reggie Jackson Baseball Quotes Black Quotes Continue Quotes Player Quotes Being a superstar… can make life very difficult, difficult to grow. So I like to visit with my friends, listen to some fine music, drink some good wine, perhaps take a ride in the country in a fine car, or… just walk along the beach. I’m a businessman. I bring my bat and glove and attache case to the office and go to work. I don’t give a damn if the other workers at the office like me or not.
Mark Frost In the fun house of today’s metastisizing sports-entertainment megaplex, when every day brings another story revealing how these ‘heroes’ we create are fashioned from base clay, a pause might be in order to reflect on athletes who actually embodied the qualities we think we admire in the too-easily deified. – Mark Frost
Oliver North Vladimir Putin is leading a dying country. Vladimir Putin’s regime exports three things: petroleum products – coal, natural gas, and hydrocarbon energy in the form of petroleum. Number two, it exports arms, and, number three, it exports people. – Oliver North
Romy Madley Croft For me, I can sort of sit there and write something down, but I can’t develop it. Because to do that, I have to sit on my own and sing. I have to be really alone to do that. – Romy Madley Croft
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