Adam Schlesinger I am not very regimented unless I have to be. I wish I was someone that could just write every day, but I tend to work on specific projects for a specific period of time and then stop. – Adam Schlesinger Day Quotes Period Quotes Projects Quotes Regimented Quotes Specific Quotes Tend Quotes Time Quotes Write Quotes Most of your day is spent working, and being in a band is no different. We’re just business travelers in a way. I think I initially started inventing characters in my songs because I didn’t want to write directly about myself. Also, as a kid, I loved all the character names in Beatles songs, like Eleanor Rigby and Lovely Rita and Mean Mr. Mustard and Maxwell and Rocky Raccoon.
Howard Jacobson Of my old tendency to overdo the dedication and deface the title page with florid compliments and obscure quotes which the recipient cannot read, I will say only that I learnt my lesson when I had to shell out with my own money for a hardback I’d vandalised and now limit myself to ‘Good wishes.’ – Howard Jacobson
Barun Sobti As an actor, I think the experience and the portrayal of the character is exactly the same. It doesn’t make any difference what camera is capturing it. You have to do it with the same passion. – Barun Sobti
Jesse L Martin If I get the chance to be philanthropic, I want to help kids and teachers. – Jesse L Martin
Charles C Mann There are serious worries about unconventional gas and oil, especially those concerning the environment. – Charles C Mann
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