Joanna Newsom I am producing sounds that people are not used to hearing from the harp. – Joanna Newsom Harp Quotes Hearing Quotes People Quotes Producing Quotes Sounds Quotes I have writing songs on my own for about six years. I did spend a year in high school being obsessed with Fleetwood Mac.
Sara Evans When I’m listening to a song, it’s the lyrics and the stories they tell that matter most to me. – Sara Evans
Jake Bugg Sometimes Lennon needed McCartney and sometimes Simon needed Garfunkel. You’d go mad doing everything on your own. – Jake Bugg
Linda Colley Much of how Americans have always understood their history, culture, and identity depends on positioning Europe as the ‘other,’ as that ‘old world’ against which they define themselves. – Linda Colley
Dahyun Ignoring the needs of your body, both physically and mentally, could be very harmful later on. – Dahyun
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