Peter Jennings I am sensitive to the value of faith and religion and spirituality in people’s lives because I’m a journalist. – Peter Jennings Faith Quotes Journalist Quotes Lives Quotes Peoples Quotes Religion Quotes Sensitive Quotes Spirituality Quotes I don’t think a reporter should give advice or make predictions. Don’t be confused that my interest in religion, faith, and spirituality is driven by any sense of faith or spirituality of my own.
Ruth Rendell In judging other people’s work, particularly short stories, I have noticed how novice writers tell the readers everything about their characters in the first paragraphs, disclose their motives, reveal their recent activities and their future intentions. – Ruth Rendell
AttitudeWalter Cronkite Part of the new morality of the ’60s and ’70s is a new attitude toward homosexuality. The homosexual men and women have organized to fight for acceptance and respectability. – Walter Cronkite
Sal Albanese I travel to Chicago a lot. And I’ve followed Obama through his Senate race and beyond. I found him to be an exceptional candidate who was able to transcend ethnic and racial lines. – Sal Albanese
Martin Scorsese People want to classify and say, ‘OK, this is a gangster film.’ ‘This is a Western.’ ‘This is a… ‘ You know? It’s easy to classify and it makes people feel comfortable, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t really matter. – Martin Scorsese
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