Manini Mishra I am so conscious of my image because I have a daughter and have said no to offers for item numbers down South. – Manini Mishra Conscious Quotes Daughter Quotes Image Quotes Item Quotes Offers Quotes South Quotes I always want my daughter to feel that her mother is a fine actor. Both Mihir and I don’t want to expose our life on a public platform.
Jane McGonigal Games that make you feel good about yourself are good games to be playing. – Jane McGonigal
Fiona Bruce I conquered my phobia of camping, although I doubt I’ll be pitching my tent at a muddy festival any time soon. – Fiona Bruce
Liu Bolin In one aspect, my works record the history of the development of Chinese society. Concern about the situation of Chinese reality is one important theme of my works. I am trying to ask, ‘How does our society develop? What are the problems in our society? Where is our direction leading?’ – Liu Bolin
Jerry Lewis I’m really, basically, nine, and I’ve always been that. I’ve never, ever allowed the child within me to die. – Jerry Lewis
James Righton It was kind of obvious to everyone around me that I wasn’t going to stay in the town I grew up in – I knew I had a dream of becoming something else. – James Righton
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