Oscar I am so happy to come to the Chinese league. – Oscar Chinese Quotes Happy Quotes League Quotes I think the Chinese clubs put up a lot of money for the players who go to China, to make the Chinese league stronger. Definitely the aim is to be champions.
Cathie Wood Our confidence in Tesla has grown as we’ve done research on what ride-sharing potentially could add. It could limit the risks significantly, it’s a much more profitable business than electric vehicles. – Cathie Wood
IntelligenceJoan CusackParenting I take parenting incredibly seriously. I want to be there for my kids and help them navigate the world, and develop skills, emotional intelligence, to enjoy life, and I’m lucky to be able to do that and have two healthy, normal boys. – Joan Cusack
Richard Jefferies Do you always do as you would like to do were it in your power? I find that circumstances force me often to act in a manner quite opposite to what I should prefer; I am, of course, judged by my acts, but do they really afford a true key to my character? I think not. – Richard Jefferies
Lee Hsien Loong China has been developing, growing in economic strength and its influence in the region. That will continue. – Lee Hsien Loong
Julia Holter I’m inspired by nonmusical things a lot, whether it’s a film or a book or whatever. – Julia Holter
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