Billy Sunday I am the sworn, eternal and uncompromising enemy of the liquor traffic. – Billy Sunday Enemy Quotes Eternal Quotes Liquor Quotes Sworn Quotes Traffic Quotes Uncompromising Quotes After all is said that can be said upon the liquor traffic, its influence is degrading upon the individual, the family, politics and business, and upon everything that you touch in this old world. There is no law, divine or human, that the saloon respects.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg I’m really not a journalist, and I don’t do a ton of newsy pieces. Occasionally I’ll write about something that’s going on recently, but I really don’t do a ton of stuff that’s tied to current events. – Daniel Mallory Ortberg
Armie Hammer I’ve definitely had a bunch of action scripts sent to me, but again I’m a stickler for directors. If it’s, like, an action flick with a great director, then it’s like, ‘Oh let’s look at this thing,’ but if it’s just like a shoot-em’-up with a first time director, I don’t know if that’s the trajectory I want to take with what I’m doing. – Armie Hammer
HealthMichael Greger The Iowa Women’s Health Study, which has followed more than 35,000 women for decades, found eating more broccoli, cauliflower, kale and other cruciferous vegetables was associated with a lower risk of getting non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the first place. – Michael Greger
Nuno Bettencourt In the U.K., we always had a special relationship with the audiences because it wasn’t ‘More Than Words’ that broke us: it was ‘Get The Funk Out’ that broke first. That was what we had always dreamed of. – Nuno Bettencourt
Jet Li People would come to me and say, ‘Jet, your Kung Fu is pretty good, do you want to be an action star when you grow up?’ At 17, I was given the script and I went to make the movie. – Jet Li
Michael Haneke And if there was one title that could be applied to all my films, it would be ‘Civil War’ – not civil war in the way we know it, but the daily war that goes on between us all. – Michael Haneke
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