Jackie Fuchs I am tired of the dumbing-down of American politics and the trend of voting without thinking. – Jackie Fuchs American Quotes Dumbingdown Quotes Politics Quotes Thinking Quotes Tired Quotes Trend Quotes Voting Quotes Not to diminish the value of the heart, but our political body needs a head, too. Being an informed voter means, at the very least, researching recommendations and endorsements from more than one source and reading both the pro and con arguments to decide how credible they are and to examine the merits of the underlying improvement or change being sought. It’s a lot of work, which most voters don’t bother to do.
Rodney Frelinghuysen We want to make sure the military gets it right and understands that if they’re going to have less money, they’re going to have to spend it a lot more smartly. – Rodney Frelinghuysen
Hornswoggle I am Mr. McMahon’s son. I always had a feeling that it was me. Now that it’s been confirmed I could not be happier! – Hornswoggle
Glenn Youngkin Virginia has emerged as one of North America’s premier locations for technology and Loudoun County is the epicenter of the data center industry. – Glenn Youngkin
Pierre Dukan If you love a man, immediately you will reduce your intake of food – it’s automatic. – Pierre Dukan
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