Max Landis I began to pick apart our knowledge of Frankenstein and discovered that the public’s idea of this myth comes from a million different places… I became committed to recontextualizing it all so it all worked in one story. – Max Landis Committed Quotes Discovered Quotes Frankenstein Quotes Idea Quotes Knowledge Quotes Myth Quotes Pick Quotes Publics Quotes Recontextualizing Quotes Story Quotes Every story I write is different. Some are hard. Some aren’t. ‘Chronicle’ was tremendously easy. I have a hard time comparing my process on different things, but I will say this: The more you write, the better you get at it. That’s one of the few things that’s markedly true. I am, at the end of the day, a guy who loves story.
Abhimanyu Singh The police or any higher authority should never try and criminalise people for their sexuality. It is something that is to great extent given by God. – Abhimanyu Singh
Eugene H Peterson People are not problems to be solved. They are mysteries to be explored. – Eugene H Peterson
D A Pennebaker Albert Grossman called my office and spoke with my partner Richard Leacock and asked if we’d be interested in making a film with his client, Bob Dylan. – D A Pennebaker
Amity Shlaes There’s something unsettling about the education of a child who comfortably enumerates the rules for surviving zombie apocalypse but finds it uncomfortable to enumerate the rules of his grandparents’ faith, if he knows them. – Amity Shlaes
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