Mona Eltahawy I believe at the heart of any revolution for social justice and human dignity are consent and agency, the unequivocal belief that I own my body – not the state, not the church/mosque/temple, not the street and not the family. – Mona Eltahawy Agency Quotes Belief Quotes Body Quotes Churchmosquetemple Quotes Consent Quotes Dignity Quotes Family Quotes Heart Quotes Human Quotes Justice Quotes Revolution Quotes Social Quotes Street Quotes Unequivocal Quotes Across the globe, fundamentalists of all religions are on one side, and their attitudes towards women and towards female sexuality are almost identical. Authoritarianism, religious fundamentalism and militarism are inherently patriarchal and hierarchical.
LeBron James Warren Buffet told me once and he said always follow your gut. When you have that gut feeling, you have to go with don’t go back on it. – LeBron James
Jim Palmer Your memorabilia becomes more significant. It does put you in a different category. – Jim Palmer
Nicolas Ghesquiere People used to define me as a futurist designer, but, you know, the future is now for me. – Nicolas Ghesquiere
Isoroku Yamamoto I felt from the start that America was not likely to relinquish lightly positions established at the cost of such sacrifices, and I pressed the view that a high degree of preparation and willingness to make sacrifices would be necessary on our side, but everybody here always persists in facile optimism until the very worst actually happens. – Isoroku Yamamoto
Robert Mapplethorpe I’m not photographing anything naked these days. I haven’t been concentrating on bodies recently. – Robert Mapplethorpe
Kacey Musgraves Look at Loretta Lynn. Look at Jeannie C. Rily singing ‘Harper Valley PTA’ and Tammy Wynette singing about divorce. They were ahead of their times in a lot of ways. – Kacey Musgraves
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