Naoto Kan I believe in any country, matters that relate to its territory would, of course, provoke strong sentiments amongst the people of that country. – Naoto Kan Country Quotes Matters Quotes People Quotes Provoke Quotes Relate Quotes Sentiments Quotes Strong Quotes Territory Quotes In fact, the Senkaku Islands are… inherent territory of Japan that is recognized in our history and also by international law. So, Japan as a country has lost its vigor; it feels very much closed in for various reasons.
Jonathan Dee The first draft often is really fast, and I’d be terribly ashamed if anybody ever saw it. – Jonathan Dee
Peter T King In the post-9/11 world you cannot give him the benefit of the doubt. As a result of our going into Iraq, not only is Saddam Hussein gone, but Qaddafi has given up his weapons of mass destruction and tremendous progress is being made in Iraq. – Peter T King
Casemiro You have to know the time to suffer, you have to know the time to attack, you have to know the time to defend. – Casemiro
Dana Brunetti When I was starting out and had to cut my teeth and build my resume to get in, I had to basically work for free on a lot of things. – Dana Brunetti
Jay Carney Congress passes bills that appropriate money. Congress says, ‘We’re building this bridge or funding that defense project, and they cost this much.’ – Jay Carney
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