Elissa Slotkin I believe in our country. Fiercely. And our institutions are the bones that keep us upright. We can and must restore decency to our system – and that requires the exercise of the checks and balances intended by our Founders. – Elissa Slotkin Balances Quotes Bones Quotes Checks Quotes Country Quotes Decency Quotes Exercise Quotes Fiercely Quotes Founders Quotes Institutions Quotes Intended Quotes Requires Quotes Restore Quotes Upright Quotes But I think when you have something like the Green New Deal, which tends to be about big, bold ideas, instead of specifics, and then adds in other controversial topics like universal health care, and a guaranteed job for all Americans, it makes it less likely that it will pass, not more. As a newcomer to politics, I knew in my bones that we as a country were better than what we see coming out of Washington. And we are.
Stephen Jay Gould I think there have to be Bachs and Beethovens. We may have – there are so many more people. Musical training is available to so many more, but it may be that we’ve hit a right wall in terms of accessible styles and since we demand innovation as a criterion of genius, there may not be more innovative styles to be found. – Stephen Jay Gould
Jens Lekman I think it’s because Toronto is the Gothenburg of Canada, with the trends and the music and everything. I feel very at home when I’m there. Everyone has always been so kind to me. – Jens Lekman
Glenn McGrath I bowled in tandem with Brett Lee, who produced some fast, fiery spells. When you’ve got someone bowling up above 90mph, it has a fear factor that not many people really enjoy. – Glenn McGrath
Jay Blades Once I got a letter from a doctor and I had to go out into the street and ask someone what it said because I couldn’t read it. It was quite strange… but you find loads of coping strategies. – Jay Blades
Matt Lauer There are pockets of liberal, affluent America where parents don’t want their kids vaccinated. – Matt Lauer
Pavel Durov I was born in Leningrad, U.S.S.R., before my father got an appointment at a university in Italy and we moved to Italy. I spend a few years there before my family returned to Russia. – Pavel Durov
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