George Brauchler I believe in the rule of law, and I respect the will of Colorado voters. – George Brauchler Colorado Quotes Law Quotes Respect Quotes Rule Quotes Voters Quotes I’m happy every time I stand up in court and say, ‘George Brauchler for the people of Colorado…’ I take no shame in that; I take pride in that. My mom took pride in being an attorney, too. I want to focus on crimes that affect families and not get distracted going for high-publicity cases. I want to see us move away from politics and focus more on prosecution.
Olaf Carlson-Wee There will be many types of assets codified into the blockchain, and they are all not just going to be on the bitcoin blockchain – it’s going to be a number of different assets here. And the best way to invest in that is a diversified portfolio. – Olaf Carlson-Wee
Matt Mitrione I like Arlovski, I met him a couple times. If nothing else, I respect him. – Matt Mitrione
Saul Bass We are truly bombarded by images. To break through and be observed, let alone focused on, you have to have impact and power. – Saul Bass
Sting I have a big problem with piped music. I like either silence or to listen to it properly. – Sting
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