Antonio Villaraigosa I believe that the mayor of the most diverse city anywhere in the world has to be a uniter, has to be someone that’s comfortable in every community, has to be someone that represents all of us. – Antonio Villaraigosa City Quotes Comfortable Quotes Community Quotes Diverse Quotes Mayor Quotes Represents Quotes Uniter Quotes When I ran the first time in 2001, they called me ‘The Latino Mayor.’ By the time I left in 2013, with a 58 percent approval rating, half the people liked me, half the people didn’t. I was everybody’s mayor. There was never any criticism that I was just for one group. Actually, as president of the Conference of Mayors, we passed the Simpson-Bowles plan as a template, as a template, as a frame work for moving forward and the president has done the same.
Melanie Fiona Toronto is a very multicultural city, a place of immigrants, like my parents. – Melanie Fiona
Philippe FalardeauScience I studied political science and international relations, so I never considered myself an artist. – Philippe Falardeau
Chrissie Hynde I don’t know if I feel like an outsider or an insider; I just feel like I always did. I don’t have one of those stories where I felt like no one understood me. – Chrissie Hynde
FamilyHailey Baldwin I’m lucky that I have my family, I’m lucky that my parents are still together. Those are the things that I cherish. – Hailey Baldwin
Andrew Lloyd Webber Sometimes I get the story wrong, or it’s the wrong story, and then things don’t work. – Andrew Lloyd Webber
Michael Morhaime If you’re going to create a competitive game and it’s going to be popular, you have to have an esports ecosystem around the game. – Michael Morhaime
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