Bruno Sammartino I busted my nose 11 times. My fingers are all busted. My ribs. Both my arms. I can’t straighten them out. – Bruno Sammartino Arms Quotes Busted Quotes Fingers Quotes Nose Quotes Ribs Quotes Straighten Quotes Times Quotes I’m very violent in the ring. I don’t know if it’s the Italian temper, I can get very nasty in there. But outside, I’m the easiest-going guy in the world. They call me ‘The Maniac’ as far as training goes. I’m a fanatic. I run 10 miles every day and I train three hours every other day with barbells. Nobody trains that hard. And that’s not bragging.
Richard Carpenter Oh, Karen – well, at first, I’d say she was – well, she was always interested in drumming, I mean, from the time she first developed an interest. It never really waned, her interest. – Richard Carpenter
John Malkovich Where women are concerned, the rule is never to go out with anyone better dressed than you. – John Malkovich
Reham Khan I can’t live without Pakistan; so, yes, I will return. My children have declared me psychotic and crazy as a result, but I do wish to go back. – Reham Khan
Frank ShorterLegal It is just called Continuing Legal Education. You can go to lectures, you can even listen to tapes on airplanes – they want you to stay current. So you do have to stay current to maintain your license even if you are not practicing. – Frank Shorter
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