John McDonnell I call a spade a shovel, straightforward. If I disagree with someone, I tell them. – John McDonnell Disagree Quotes Shovel Quotes Spade Quotes Straightforward Quotes When I left school I went onto the shop floor, working 12-hour shifts in a TV factory. My workmates were sharp, skilled and all capable of enjoying higher education – but they didn’t have that opportunity. If the government is injecting public money, it should also take the right to oversee board appointments, executive pay, and future business operations.
Stefanie Powers The world that our children will inherit is going to look substantially different, very quickly, than the world we have today. It’s alarming. – Stefanie Powers
Anthony Gonzalez I’ve been celebrating the Day of the Dead since I was 6 years old because my grandfather passed away back then. The Day of the Dead was just a wonderful and joyful celebration where I can be with him and connect with him again. – Anthony Gonzalez
Clive Anderson My favourite plant is the foxglove. I think they are a perfect balance between being a garden plant and a wild plant, as at home in woodland as they are in a city. – Clive Anderson
Roman Jakobson The search for the symbolic value of phonemes, each taken as a whole, runs the risk of giving rise to ambiguous and trivial interpretations because phonemes are complex entities, bundles of different distinctive features. – Roman Jakobson
Angie Stone My favorite thing about L.A. is the sunny breezes that mimic the mindset of the energy in the people. – Angie Stone
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