Eddie Campbell I came in on the decline. Phil Elliot was in first, he got his book out, he sold thirteen thousand, I think he got two issues out before I got mine in, this was March ’87. He was out in December ’86. – Eddie Campbell Book Quotes December Quotes Decline Quotes Elliot Quotes Issues Quotes March Quotes Phil Quotes Sold Quotes Thirteen Quotes By March ’87 we’re down to seven thousand, by the end of the year we’re down to twelve hundred. The whole bottom just fell out of the market. It was bad for me because I was in Australia at the time. There are a couple of things in there if we’re constraining this discussion to horror here.
Russell Tovey I was a hairdresser’s assistant. I used to get 20p tips for washing an old woman’s hair. I used to get there at 8 A.M., leave at 6 P.M. and get £10. – Russell Tovey
Barry Eichengreen Political union means transferring the prerogatives of national legislatures to the European parliament, which would then decide how to structure Europe’s fiscal, banking, and monetary union. – Barry Eichengreen
Arbaaz Khan Unlike many others, I anyway don’t post much from my personal life on social media; it’s mostly work related. And when I post something, I’m aware that not everyone would have nice things to say; I’m fine with it. – Arbaaz Khan
Don Lemon It doesn’t matter if gun violence is down. We need to get guns and bullets and automatic weapons off the streets. – Don Lemon
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