Jeffrey Tambor I came to New York late; I was already past 30. – Jeffrey Tambor Late Quotes York Quotes When I was a young boy in San Francisco, I remember being sent home from playing with a friend, and I remember the mother saying, ‘Tell Jeffrey to go home.’ And I said to the girl, ‘Why?’ She goes, ‘My mother says that you’re the people who killed Christ.’ My education was doing good plays and also stinkers. When you do a stinker, you learn how to act. I like having to audition. It’s nice to do rehearsals. But it’s with an audience that you get to love it!
Kevin Morby Reign’ is probably the oldest one on the record. I wrote that when I was 19. ‘The Dead They Don’t Come Back,’ which is the last song on the album, I wrote when I was 20, and ‘Harlem River’ I just wrote last year. It spans from 2007 to 2012. – Kevin Morby
Jay Samit The very first thing I tell every intern on the first day is that their internship exists solely on their resume. As far as I am concerned, they are a full-time member of my team. For all the negative stereotypes about millennials, you would be astounded by how hard they work when they believe their contribution matters. – Jay Samit
Louise Bourgeois When my mother died, I fell apart. My father wanted to control me. As a consequence, I ran away to America. – Louise Bourgeois
Omid Djalili Britain and America are always kind of at war with the Middle East in some way. And you’ve got Omid Djalili who is clearly an Iranian and very proud of his heritage, yet he is a very unique voice. He kind of belongs to Britain because he had a BBC show, but at the same time he hasn’t rejected his Middle Eastern roots. – Omid Djalili
Brian Jordan I’m in great shape, back-in-my-football-days shape. I’ve worked hard to get to this point. – Brian Jordan
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