Gervinho I can confirm I feel more at home at Roma than elsewhere. I was adopted by the club, the staff and the fans. From the first day I sensed this great atmosphere. – Gervinho Atmosphere Quotes Club Quotes Confirm Quotes Day Quotes Fans Quotes Feel Quotes Roma Quotes Sensed Quotes Staff Quotes I’ve learnt to adapt on the pitch and, when I think back, also in front of goal. In the Champions League, if you can win at home, the draw away is priceless.
GreatNostradamus The great earthquake shall be in the month of May; Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus; Venus, also Cancer, Mars in zero. – Nostradamus
Dave Franco I can’t remember the last time I was out at a bar or club. I’ll still drink, but I just can’t remember the last time I blacked out. Which I think means I’m growing up. – Dave Franco
Robert Lewandowski When I was a young player, I never dreamed of scoring five goals in a game – and in nine minutes is something else. And when it happened, it was incredible that there could ever be anything like that in the history of the game. It took me a couple of days to realise what I’d done. – Robert Lewandowski
Adora Svitak The only time I felt I was different was when one of my friends said, ‘I hate reading’ and I stared at her like, ‘What kind of an alien creature are you?!’ Because it was so incomprehensible to me that someone could dislike reading! That really started my desire to help other children love reading and writing. – Adora Svitak
Charles M Schwab We hear much of Bolshevism, much of labor unrest; at times, we hear the word ‘revolution.’ But these are but contagious diseases in the body of civilization, and I believe that the antitoxins of good cheer, mutual confidence, fairness and justice will ultimately cure these ills and make the world healthy and strong again. – Charles M Schwab
Asa Butterfield I like science fiction. I am quite a technologically kind of up-to-date person. I like seeing what the new developments are. – Asa Butterfield
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