Dorothy Stratten I can honestly, and proudly, say that I never was on the casting couch. Oh, of course there have been advances from certain men in the movie industry, but nothing overwhelming. – Dorothy Stratten Advances Quotes Casting Quotes Couch Quotes Honestly Quotes Industry Quotes Movie Quotes Overwhelming Quotes Proudly Quotes I think if you work as an actress and are supposed as a character to be in love with some actor, then to some extent you do have to be in love with him. I think I had a more European outlook about the body and sex. The body is in no way dirty, and sex is something beautiful to give to and share with a lover. It has nothing to do with promiscuity, because I only believe in being in love with one man at a time.
BestLifeSuccessW Clement StoneWisdom You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success – or are they holding you back? – W Clement Stone
James Nesbitt Actually, I played Pontius Pilate as nice. An actor spends his life thinking he is Christ, and then he gets to play the character that killed him. – James Nesbitt
B H Liddell HartHopeWar Loss of hope rather than loss of life is what decides the issues of war. But helplessness induces hopelessness. – B H Liddell Hart
Dennis Kucinich I said in October of 2008 that there was no proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or had the intention or capability of attacking the United States. Here we are. Almost 4,700 troops died, tens of thousands injured, over a million Iraqis dead. It will cost $5 trillion in the end for the war. – Dennis Kucinich
Chieh Huang My management style is one of inclusion, meaning we’re all one team no matter if you’re making an hourly wage at the fulfillment center floor, if you’re a C-staffer from a public company. – Chieh Huang
Paula Hawkins I was kind of broke . ‘The Girl on the Train’ was a last roll of the dice for me as a fiction writer. – Paula Hawkins
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