Armand Duplantis I can only be who I can be. I can’t be Usain Bolt, we’re different people and do different events, so it’s hard to compare us. – Armand Duplantis Bolt Quotes Compare Quotes Events Quotes Hard Quotes People Quotes Usain Quotes That’s a pretty big advantage to this journey that I’ve been able to have, is that I was able to start at such a young age because my father built a setup and I was able to build a technique from 3 years up to now. Without the backyard, I’m not whatever I am today. I knew that none of my classmates were pole vaulting. I want to do more than Bubka’s done, for sure. More Olympics than him, more world championships.
Penny Lancaster You always have to make sure your husband knows he isn’t going to be replaced. – Penny Lancaster
Conor OberstLove I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love. – Conor Oberst
Preneet Kaur The Indo-Canadian community has been a microcosm of the people of Indian origin living abroad besides reflecting India’s diversity. – Preneet Kaur
John Whaite Food technology classes at school were so dull. Even as a 14-year-old going through the ignorance of my black-nailed ‘goth’ phase, my interest in food was much deeper than those shop-bought pizza bases we were instructed to haul in and smother with tomato puree and ready-grated mozzarella. – John Whaite
Stanley Kubrick It takes more discipline than you might imagine to think, even for thirty seconds, in the noisy, confusing, high-pressure atmosphere of a film set. But a few seconds’ thought can often prevent a serious mistake being made about something that looks good at first glance. – Stanley Kubrick
Abhijit Banerjee The first time I went to the Planning Commission was when it was under KC Pant, a long time ago. Since then I have been back there many, many times to the point where the many people who seem to spend their lives sitting outside the various offices and even the patches of grime in the hallways and stairwells began to look familiar. – Abhijit Banerjee
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